wxWidgets Package Manager Logo


This is the wxWidgets Package Manager on Linux (KDE) and Windows XP (i.e. using the wxGTK and wxMSW toolkits):

The wxWidgets Package Manager (on wxGTK)    The wxWidgets Package Manager (on wxMSW)        The wxWidgets Package Manager (on wxGTK)    The wxWidgets Package Manager (on wxMSW)    

This is the wxWidgets Packager on Linux (KDE) and Windows XP (i.e. using the wxGTK and wxMSW toolkits):

The wxWidgets packager (on wxGTK)    The wxWidgets packager (on wxMSW)    

This is the help screen of the wxp command-line utility, which gives a good idea of the features of this program:

The wxp command-line utility (on wxGTK)    The wxp command-line utility (on wxMSW)    

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Site design and update scripts by Kevin Ollivier, with special thanks to Brad Anderson for his improvements to the sidebar, intro table and navbar designs, Bryan Petty for the new wxWidgets blocks graphics and logo text, and to the wxWidgets community for all their helpful suggestions, comments and testing!