wxVersionRange Member List

This is the complete list of members for wxVersionRange, including all inherited members.

Contains(const wxVersion &ver) const wxVersionRange
GetAsString() constwxVersionRange
GetEnd() constwxVersionRange [inline]
GetStart() constwxVersionRange [inline]
IsOk() constwxVersionRange [inline]
m_endwxVersionRange [protected]
m_startwxVersionRange [protected]
operator wxString() constwxVersionRange [inline]
operator!=(const wxVersionRange &ver) const wxVersionRange [inline]
operator=(const wxString &str)wxVersionRange [inline]
operator==(const wxVersionRange &ver) const wxVersionRange [inline]
OverlapsWith(const wxVersionRange &ver) const wxVersionRange
Set(const wxVersion &start, const wxVersion &end)wxVersionRange [inline]
Set(const wxString &str)wxVersionRange
wxVersionRange()wxVersionRange [inline]
wxVersionRange(const wxVersion &start, const wxVersion &end)wxVersionRange [inline]
wxVersionRange(const wxString &str)wxVersionRange [inline]

Generated on Thu Feb 1 22:14:32 2007 for wxWidgets Package Manager by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1