wxPackageInfo Class Reference

#include <packageinfo.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxPackageInfo:

wxPackageId wxPackage List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 wxPackageInfo ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~wxPackageInfo ()
 Default destructor.
bool HasSameIdOf (const wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
wxString GetDescription () const
wxArrayString GetKeywords () const
wxString GetKeywordsStr () const
wxString GetWebsite () const
wxDateTime GetCreationDate () const
wxPackageCategory GetPrimaryCategory () const
wxPackageCategory GetSecondaryCategory () const
wxString GetPrimaryCategoryStr () const
wxString GetSecondaryCategoryStr () const
wxString GetRelativeRoot () const
wxString GetOutputFileName () const
wxArrayString GetExcluded (wxPackageExcludeMode type) const
wxPackageCompressionMode GetCompressionMode () const
wxString GetCompressionModeStr () const
wxString GetUploadDestination () const
wxString GetProjectFolder (const wxString &wxppath) const
wxPackageBuildSystemType GetBuildSystemType () const
wxPackageDevelopmentStatus GetDevelopmentStatus () const
wxPackageProgLanguage GetProgLanguage () const
wxString GetBuildSystemTypeStr () const
wxString GetDevelopmentStatusStr () const
wxString GetProgLanguageStr () const
wxString GetRSSHref () const
wxArrayString GetDownloadHref () const
wxString GetDownloadHref (size_t n) const
wxString GetRepoDownloadLink () const
wxString GetDownloadLink () const
wxPackageDataWithRef GetLogoRef () const
wxPackageDataWithRefArray GetDocumentation () const
wxPackageDataWithRef GetDocumentation (size_t n) const
wxPackageDataWithRefArray GetScreenshots () const
wxPackageDataWithRef GetScreenshot (size_t n) const
size_t GetNumberOfSamples () const
wxULongLong GetCompressedSize () const
wxString GetMD5 () const
wxPackageDataWithRef GetLicenseRef () const
wxString GetLicenseTypeStr () const
wxPackageLicenseType GetLicenseType () const
wxString GetOrganization () const
wxString GetOrganizationHref () const
wxString GetCost () const
wxArrayString GetAuthors () const
wxArrayString GetAuthorsHref () const
wxArrayString GetMaintainers () const
wxArrayString GetMaintainersHref () const
wxString GetCredits () const
wxString GetCopyright () const
long GetSupportedPortFlag () const
long GetTestedPortFlag () const
wxArrayInt GetSupportedPorts () const
wxArrayInt GetTestedPorts () const
wxVersionRangeArray GetSupportedVersions () const
wxVersionRangeArray GetTestedVersions () const
wxPackageDependencyArray GetDependencies () const
bool SupportsWxPort (wxPortId p, const wxVersion &ver) const
bool HasSameSupportedPortVersions () const
bool HasSameTestedPortVersions () const
wxPackageCommandArrayGetCmdForStage (wxPackageBuildSystemStage stage)
const wxPackageCommandArrayGetCmdForStage (wxPackageBuildSystemStage stage) const
wxPackageCommandOptionArrayGetBuildSysOptions ()
const wxPackageCommandOptionArrayGetBuildSysOptions () const
long GetSupportedBuildSysFormats () const
wxString GetBuildSystemHref () const
wxPackageCommandArray GetSubstCmdForStage (wxPackageBuildSystemStage stage, long flags, const wxPackageCondition &cond=wxEmptyPackageCondition) const
wxPackageCommandOptionArray GetSubstBuildSysOptions () const
bool SupportsBuildSysFormat (wxPackageCompilerFormat fmt) const
 Returns true if this package supports the given compiler format.
wxArrayString GetUsedOptionPresets () const
wxString GetUsedCommandPreset (wxStringHashMap &h) const
void SetDescription (const wxString &str)
void SetKeywords (const wxString &str)
void SetKeywords (const wxArrayString &arr)
void SetWebsite (const wxString &str)
void SetCreationDate (const wxDateTime &date)
void SetCreationDate (const wxString &str)
void SetCategories (wxPackageCategory primary, wxPackageCategory secondary)
void SetPrimaryCategoryStr (const wxString &str)
void SetSecondaryCategoryStr (const wxString &str)
void SetRoot (const wxString &root)
void SetFileName (const wxString &filename)
void SetExcluded (wxPackageExcludeMode mode, const wxArrayString &arr)
void SetCompressionMode (wxPackageCompressionMode mode)
void SetCompressModeStr (const wxString &str)
void SetUploadDestination (const wxString &str)
void SetLicenseRef (const wxPackageDataWithRef &ref)
void SetLicenseType (wxPackageLicenseType t)
void SetLicenseTypeStr (const wxString &str)
void SetOrganization (const wxString &str, const wxString &href)
void SetCost (const wxString &str)
void SetCredits (const wxString &str)
void SetCopyright (const wxString &str)
void SetAuthors (const wxArrayString &name, const wxArrayString &href)
void AddAuthor (const wxString &name, const wxString &href)
void SetMaintainers (const wxArrayString &name, const wxArrayString &href)
void AddMaintainer (const wxString &name, const wxString &href)
void SetDevelopmentStatus (wxPackageDevelopmentStatus t)
void SetDevelopmentStatusStr (const wxString &str)
void SetProgLanguage (wxPackageProgLanguage t)
void SetProgLanguageStr (const wxString &str)
void SetRSSHref (const wxString &str)
void AddMirror (const wxString &href)
void SetRepoDownloadLink (const wxString &href)
void AddDoc (const wxPackageDataWithRef &ref)
void AddDoc (const wxString &type, const wxString &href, const wxString &localref)
void AddScreenshot (const wxPackageDataWithRef &ref)
void AddScreenshot (const wxString &href, const wxString &localref)
void SetLogoRef (const wxPackageDataWithRef &ref)
void SetLogo (const wxString &href, const wxString &localref)
void SetNumberOfSamples (size_t n)
void SetCompressedSize (wxULongLong n)
void SetMD5 (const wxString &md5)
void AddSupportedPort (wxPortId port, const wxVersionRange &version)
void AddTestedPort (wxPortId port, const wxVersionRange &version)
void AddSupportedPort (const wxString &port, const wxVersionRange &version)
void AddTestedPort (const wxString &port, const wxVersionRange &version)
void SetSupportedPorts (const wxArrayInt &port, const wxVersionRangeArray &version)
void SetTestedPorts (const wxArrayInt &port, const wxVersionRangeArray &version)
void AddDependency (const wxPackageDependency &toadd)
void SetDependencies (const wxPackageDependencyArray &arr)
void AddBuildSysOption (const wxPackageCommandOption &opt)
void AddBuildSysOptions (const wxPackageCommandOptionArray &arr)
void AddBuildSysCommand (long stages, const wxPackageCommand &cmd)
void AddBuildSysCommands (const wxPackageCommandArray &arr)
void SetBuildSysOptions (const wxPackageCommandOptionArray &arr)
void SetBuildSysCommands (wxPackageBuildSystemStage stage, const wxPackageCommandArray &arr)
void SetBuildSysHref (const wxString &href)
void SetBuildSystemType (wxPackageBuildSystemType t)
void SetBuildSystemTypeStr (const wxString &str)
void SetSupportedFormats (long n)
bool IsOk () const
virtual wxString SubstituteInfo (const wxString &str, wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext ctx=wxPSIC_WXHTML) const
void UpdateSubstitutionHashMap (wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext ctx=wxPSIC_INVALID)
wxStringHashMap GetSubstitutionHashMap (wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext ctx) const
 Returns the substitution hashmap for the given context.
bool IsCachedSubstitutionHashMapValid (wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext ctx) const
void InvalidateCachedSubstHashMap (wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext ctx=wxPSIC_INVALID)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool LoadStandardOutputFormats (const wxString &dirbase)
 Loads the standard output formats of wxPackage API.
static wxStringHashMap GetStandardSubstitutionHashMap ()
static wxString SubstituteStandard (const wxString &str)

Static Public Attributes

static wxPackageHTMLOutputFormatHashMap s_hashmapHTMLFormats
static wxStringHashMap s_hashmapKeywords

Protected Member Functions

virtual void DoUpdateSubstitutionHashMap (wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext ctx)
 See UpdateSubstitutionHashMap for more info.
virtual wxPackageCommand GetCmd (const wxPackageCommand &cmd, wxPackageBuildSystemStage stage, long flags, const wxPackageCondition &cond) const

Protected Attributes

wxArrayString m_arrKeywords
wxString m_strDescription
wxString m_strWebsite
wxDateTime m_creationDate
wxPackageCategory m_catPrimary
wxPackageCategory m_catSecondary
wxString m_strRoot
wxString m_strFileName
wxString m_strUpload
wxArrayString m_arrExcluded [wxPEM_MAX]
wxPackageCompressionMode m_compressMode
wxPackageDataWithRef m_refLicense
wxPackageLicenseType m_nLicenseType
wxString m_strOrganization
wxString m_strOrganizationHref
wxString m_strCost
wxArrayString m_arrAuthorName
wxArrayString m_arrAuthorHref
wxArrayString m_arrMaintainerName
wxArrayString m_arrMaintainerHref
wxString m_strCredits
wxString m_strCopyright
wxPackageDevelopmentStatus m_devStatus
wxPackageProgLanguage m_language
wxString m_strRSSHref
wxArrayString m_arrDownloadHref
wxString m_strDownloadFromRepoHref
wxPackageDataWithRef m_refLogo
wxPackageDataWithRefArray m_arrDocumentation
wxPackageDataWithRefArray m_arrScreenshots
size_t m_nSamples
wxULongLong m_nCompressedSize
wxString m_strMD5
wxVersionRangeArray m_arrSupportedVersion
wxVersionRangeArray m_arrTestedVersion
wxArrayInt m_arrSupportedPort
wxArrayInt m_arrTestedPort
wxPackageDependencyArray m_arrDependencies
wxPackageBuildSystemType m_buildSystemType
 The build system supported by this package.
wxString m_strBuildSystemHref
long m_nSupportedFormats
wxPackageCommandOptionArray m_opt
 The options for the build system stages of this package.
wxPackageCommandArray m_arrCommands [wxPBSS_MAX]
wxStringHashMap m_hashmapSubstitution [wxPSIC_MAX]


class wxPackageArray

Detailed Description

Holds all information about a wxWidgets package and all getters/setters required to access/change them. No higher-level functions. See wxPackage for them.

Definition at line 162 of file packageinfo.h.

Member Function Documentation

wxPackageCommandArray wxPackageInfo::GetSubstCmdForStage ( wxPackageBuildSystemStage  stage,
long  flags,
const wxPackageCondition cond = wxEmptyPackageCondition 
) const

Returns the array of commands for the given stage. The wxPKGCMD_* flags define which operations should be done on the array before returning it.

Definition at line 274 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References wxPackageCommandArray::CopyTargets(), GetCmd(), wxPackageCommandArray::GetSubstitutedCmd(), and m_arrCommands.

Referenced by wxExtCmdProgressPanel::UpdateCachedCommands(), and wxExtCmdOptionsPanel::UpdateCommands().

wxPackageCommandOptionArray wxPackageInfo::GetSubstBuildSysOptions (  )  const

Returns the array of options for this package with the default and the selected values substituted.

Definition at line 297 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References wxPackageCommandOptionArray::Add(), wxPackageCommandOptionArray::GetDescription(), m_opt, wxPackageCommandOptionArray::SetDescription(), and SubstituteInfo().

Referenced by wxExtCmdOptionsPanel::SelectWxBuild(), and wxExtCmdOptionsPanel::SetPackage().

wxArrayString wxPackageInfo::GetUsedOptionPresets (  )  const

Returns the names of the option presets used by this package or an empty array if no option presets are used.

Definition at line 368 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References wxPackageCommandOptionArray::Contains(), m_opt, and wxPresetXMLDescriptor::s_hashmapOptions.

Referenced by wxPackageXMLDescriptor::SetPackageInfo().

wxString wxPackageInfo::GetUsedCommandPreset ( wxStringHashMap &  h  )  const

Returns the name (multiple command presets are not supported) of the command preset used by this package or wxEmptyString if no command presets are in use. When returning a non-empty string, the given hashmap is filled with the names & values of the command presets' variables used by this package.

Definition at line 386 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References m_arrCommands, and wxPresetXMLDescriptor::s_hashmapCommands.

Referenced by wxPackageXMLDescriptor::SetPackageInfo().

wxString wxPackageInfo::SubstituteInfo ( const wxString &  str,
wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext  ctx = wxPSIC_WXHTML 
) const [virtual]

Substitutes various keywords (e.g. , , etc) in the given string and then returns it. Note that to be sure the substituted infos are up2date with package's info, you need to call the (time-consuming) UpdateSubstitutionHashMap function first.

Definition at line 573 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References IsCachedSubstitutionHashMapValid(), and m_hashmapSubstitution.

Referenced by wxPackage::Compress(), wxPackage::GetCmd(), wxPackageHTMLOutputFormat::GetDetailsFor(), GetDownloadHref(), GetDownloadLink(), GetRepoDownloadLink(), GetSubstBuildSysOptions(), and wxPackageHTMLOutputFormat::GetSummaryFor().

void wxPackageInfo::UpdateSubstitutionHashMap ( wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext  ctx = wxPSIC_INVALID  ) 

Rebuilds the m_hashmapSubstitution hash tables will all infos to substitute for the given context. Rebuilds all tables if wxPSIC_INVALID is given.

Definition at line 598 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References DoUpdateSubstitutionHashMap(), and m_hashmapSubstitution.

bool wxPackageInfo::IsCachedSubstitutionHashMapValid ( wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext  ctx  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the substitution hashmap is updated with all current values of the info stored in this wxPackageInfo object:

Definition at line 621 of file packageinfo.h.

References m_hashmapSubstitution.

Referenced by SubstituteInfo().

void wxPackageInfo::InvalidateCachedSubstHashMap ( wxPackageSubstituteInfoContext  ctx = wxPSIC_INVALID  ) 

Invalidates the substitution hashmap cache forcing an update on the next call to SubstituteInfo. Invalidates all hashmaps if wxPSIC_INVALID is given.

Definition at line 586 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References m_hashmapSubstitution.

Referenced by wxExtCmdOptionsPanel::UpdateCommands().

wxStringHashMap wxPackageInfo::GetStandardSubstitutionHashMap (  )  [static]

Returns the standard substitution hashmap: i.e. the s_hashmapKeywords hashmap merged with some standard constant keys.

Definition at line 788 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References s_hashmapKeywords.

Referenced by DoUpdateSubstitutionHashMap(), and SubstituteStandard().

static wxString wxPackageInfo::SubstituteStandard ( const wxString &  str  )  [inline, static]

Returns the given string with some standard strings (e.g. , etc) substituted by their constant values.

Definition at line 641 of file packageinfo.h.

References GetStandardSubstitutionHashMap().

wxPackageCommand wxPackageInfo::GetCmd ( const wxPackageCommand cmd,
wxPackageBuildSystemStage  stage,
long  flags,
const wxPackageCondition cond 
) const [protected, virtual]

Uses the current option values and the given stage to substitute variables inside the given wxPackageCommand and then returns it.

Reimplemented in wxPackage.

Definition at line 322 of file packageinfo.cpp.

References wxPackageCommand::GetCommand(), wxPackageCommandOptionArray::GetSubstitutionOptionsHashMap(), m_opt, and wxPackageCommand::SetCommand().

Referenced by wxPackage::GetCmd(), and GetSubstCmdForStage().

Member Data Documentation

wxStringHashMap wxPackageInfo::s_hashmapKeywords [static]

A static, i.e. global, set of keywords and relative values which are substituted by SubstituteStandard.

Definition at line 633 of file packageinfo.h.

Referenced by GetStandardSubstitutionHashMap().

wxString wxPackageInfo::m_strBuildSystemHref [protected]

The local reference to the build system's main file of this package. This is a localref to a .bkl file for Bakefile, to a CMakeLists.txt for CMake and to an SConstruct file for Scons. NOTE: this info is (at least currently) unused by wxWPM tools but it may still be useful to have it for e.g. other tools which want/need to parse WXP files.

Definition at line 746 of file packageinfo.h.

Referenced by GetBuildSystemHref(), and SetBuildSysHref().

long wxPackageInfo::m_nSupportedFormats [protected]

The wxPackageCompilerFormats supported by this package for the build system m_buildSystemType.

Definition at line 750 of file packageinfo.h.

Referenced by GetSupportedBuildSysFormats(), SetSupportedFormats(), SupportsBuildSysFormat(), and wxPackageInfo().

wxPackageCommandArray wxPackageInfo::m_arrCommands[wxPBSS_MAX] [protected]

The array of commands for the various stages of this package. Each command is associated with a wxPackageCondition which specifies to which stage it applies and for which format, etc.

Definition at line 758 of file packageinfo.h.

Referenced by AddBuildSysCommand(), GetCmdForStage(), GetSubstCmdForStage(), GetUsedCommandPreset(), IsOk(), and SetBuildSysCommands().

wxStringHashMap wxPackageInfo::m_hashmapSubstitution[wxPSIC_MAX] [protected]

The hashmap containing the keys & relative values for substitution. See UpdateSubstitutionHashMap for more info.

Definition at line 764 of file packageinfo.h.

Referenced by DoUpdateSubstitutionHashMap(), wxPackage::DoUpdateSubstitutionHashMap(), GetSubstitutionHashMap(), InvalidateCachedSubstHashMap(), IsCachedSubstitutionHashMapValid(), SubstituteInfo(), and UpdateSubstitutionHashMap().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Feb 1 22:14:32 2007 for wxWidgets Package Manager by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1