wxPackagePropertiesPanel Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 wxPackagePropertiesPanel ()
 ~wxPackagePropertiesPanel ()
void CreateControls ()
 Creates the controls and sizers.
wxBitmap GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
 Provides the bitmaps for the wxBitmapButtons used.
void OnButton (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnListBoxDClick (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnLicensingButton (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnLicensingListBoxDClick (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnLicenseSelected (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnLicensingPageUpdateUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &ev)
void OnBuildSystemButton (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnBuildSystemListBoxDClick (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnBuildSystemType (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnBuildSystemFormatCheck (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnBuildSystemStage (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnOptionDClick (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnCompilerPreset (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnWxPreset (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnBuildSystemPageUpdateUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &ev)
void OnPackagingButton (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnText (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnProjectRootChange (wxFileDirPickerEvent &ev)
void OnWXPDirChange (wxFileDirPickerEvent &ev)
void OnIncludedTreeCheck (wxExplorerTreeEvent &ev)
void OnPackagingPageUpdateUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &ev)
void OnDependenciesButton (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnDependenciesListBoxDClick (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnDepDClick (wxListEvent &ev)
void OnDependenciesPageUpdateUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &ev)
void OnDetailsButton (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnDetailsListBoxDClick (wxCommandEvent &ev)
void OnDetailsPageUpdateUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &ev)
void OnPageChanged (wxNotebookEvent &ev)
bool IsModified () const
void SetModified (bool mod)
bool IsOk () const
wxPackageInfo GetPackageInfo () const
wxString GetProjectAbsoluteRoot () const
 Returns the project absolute root.
wxULongLong GetUncompressedSize () const
void SetPackageInfo (const wxPackageXMLDescriptor &descriptor, const wxString &filename=wxEmptyString)
void SetPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor, const wxString &filename=wxEmptyString)
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool ShowToolTips ()
 Should we show tooltips?

Protected Member Functions

bool GetDownloadLink (wxString *ret, const wxString &initial=wxEmptyString)
bool GetAuthorOrMaintainer (bool isauthor, wxString *ret, wxString *rethref, const wxString &initialname=wxEmptyString, const wxString &initialhref=wxEmptyString)
bool GetSupportedOrTestedVersionRange (bool issupported, wxString *ret, const wxString &portname, const wxString &initial=wxEmptyString)
bool GetDoc (wxPackageDataWithRef *ret, const wxPackageDataWithRef &initial=wxEmptyPackageDataWithRef)
bool GetScreenshot (wxPackageDataWithRef *ret, const wxPackageDataWithRef &initial=wxEmptyPackageDataWithRef)
bool GetDep (wxPackageDependency *ret, const wxPackageDependency &initial=wxEmptyPackageDependency)
bool GetBuildSysOption (wxPackageCommandOption *ret, const wxPackageCommandOption &initial=wxEmptyPackageCommandOption)
bool GetBuildSysCommand (wxPackageCommand *ret, wxPackageBuildSystemStage stage, const wxPackageCommand &initial=wxEmptyPackageCommand)
void GetNewExcludedStuff ()
void UpdatePortVersions ()
void UpdateOptions ()
void UpdateCommands ()
void UpdateXML ()
void UpdateRelativeRoot ()
void UpdateUncompressedSize ()
bool IsPresetOption (const wxString &optname, wxString *presetname) const
bool IsUserOption (const wxString &optname) const
long GetCompilerFormats () const
wxPackageBuildSystemType GetSelBuildSystemType () const
void OnUserChange ()
void GetBasicsPackageInfo (wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
void GetPackagingPackageInfo (wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
void GetLicensingPackageInfo (wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
void GetDetailsPackageInfo (wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
void GetDependenciesPackageInfo (wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
void GetBuildSystemPackageInfo (wxPackageInfo &pkg) const
void DoSetPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor, const wxString &filename)
void DoSetBasicsPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor)
void DoSetPackagingPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor, const wxString &filename)
void DoSetLicensingPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor)
void DoSetDetailsPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor)
void DoSetDependenciesPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor)
void DoSetBuildSystemPackageInfo (const wxPackageInfo &descriptor)
bool IsBasicsPageOk () const
bool IsPackagingPageOk () const
bool IsLicensingPageOk () const
bool IsDetailsPageOk () const
bool IsDependenciesPageOk () const
bool IsBuildSystemPageOk () const
void InitBasicsPage ()
void InitPackagingPage ()
void InitLicensingPage ()
void InitDetailsPage ()
void InitDependenciesPage ()
void InitBuildSystemPage ()
void InitXMLSourcePage ()
void DisableIfNoSelection (int todisableID, wxControlWithItems *p)
wxString GetProjectParent () const
void SetIncludePath (const wxString &path)
void SetPortVersion (int id)

Protected Attributes

wxStaticText * m_pUncompressedSize
wxRadioButton * m_pTar
wxRadioButton * m_pZip
wxTextCtrl * m_pFileName
wxTextCtrl * m_pUpload
wxDirPickerCtrl * m_pProjectDir
wxDirPickerCtrl * m_pWXPDir
wxTextCtrl * m_pRelativeRoot
wxStaticBitmap * m_pRootBitmap
wxStaticText * m_pRootCheckLabel
wxExplorerTreeCtrl * m_pIncludedTree
wxTextCtrl * m_pName
wxTextCtrl * m_pVersion
wxTextCtrl * m_pDescription
wxTextCtrl * m_pKeywords
wxChoice * m_pPrimaryCat
wxChoice * m_pSecondaryCat
wxComboBox * m_pLicense
wxChoice * m_pLicenseType
wxTextCtrl * m_pOrganization
wxTextCtrl * m_pOrganizationWebsite
wxTextCtrl * m_pCost
wxTextCtrl * m_pCopyright
wxTextCtrl * m_pCredits
wxListBox * m_pAuthors
wxListBox * m_pMaintainers
wxChoice * m_pStatus
wxDatePickerCtrl * m_pCreationDate
wxChoice * m_pProgLang
wxTextCtrl * m_pWebsite
wxTextCtrl * m_pRSS
wxSpinCtrl * m_pNumSamples
wxListBox * m_pDownloadLinks
wxListBox * m_pDocs
wxListBox * m_pScreenshots
wxSplitterWindow * m_pSplitter
wxPanel * m_pTopPanel
wxCheckListBox * m_pSupportedPorts
wxCheckListBox * m_pTestedPorts
wxPanel * m_pBottomPanel
wxListCtrl * m_pDepList
wxChoice * m_pBuildSystemType
wxCheckListBox * m_pFormats
wxStaticText * m_pOptionPresets
wxChoice * m_pBuildSystemStage
wxTextCtrl * m_pTargets
wxStaticText * m_pCommandPresets
wxCommandListBox * m_pBuildSysCommands
wxPanel * m_pXMLPanel
wxBoxSizer * m_pXMLSizer
wxString m_strBuildSystemHref
wxPackageXMLDescriptor m_xmlDescriptor
wxString m_strRoot
wxPackageDataWithRef m_license
wxPackageDataWithRef m_logo
wxPackageCommandArray m_commands [wxPBST_MAX]
wxString m_targets [wxPBST_MAX]
wxPackageCompilerFormat m_formats [wxPCF_MAX]
wxVersionRange m_supportedVer [wxPORT_MAX]
wxVersionRange m_testedVer [wxPORT_MAX]
int m_nLastStage
wxULongLong m_szUncompressed
bool m_bRelativeRootValid
bool m_bModified

Detailed Description

Definition at line 166 of file proppanel.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool wxPackagePropertiesPanel::IsOk (  )  const

Returns true if this panel contains all controls initialized with correct data so that a call to GetPackageInfo() will return a valid wxPackageInfo (i.e. its IsOk() function will return true). NB: this function will eventually warn the user about what's wrong using wxLogError()

Definition at line 1064 of file proppanel.cpp.

References IsBasicsPageOk(), IsBuildSystemPageOk(), IsDependenciesPageOk(), IsDetailsPageOk(), IsLicensingPageOk(), and IsPackagingPageOk().

Referenced by GetSupportedOrTestedVersionRange(), IsBasicsPageOk(), SetPortVersion(), and UpdatePortVersions().

wxPackageInfo wxPackagePropertiesPanel::GetPackageInfo (  )  const

Returns all the info currently stored in the controls of this panel in wxPackageInfo form.

Definition at line 1015 of file proppanel.cpp.

References GetBasicsPackageInfo(), GetBuildSystemPackageInfo(), GetDependenciesPackageInfo(), GetDetailsPackageInfo(), GetLicensingPackageInfo(), and GetPackagingPackageInfo().

Referenced by UpdateXML().

void wxPackagePropertiesPanel::SetPackageInfo ( const wxPackageXMLDescriptor descriptor,
const wxString &  filename = wxEmptyString 

Fills all the controls of this panel with the package info stored in the given XML document (which the caller must ensure will remain valid until next SetPackageInfo call). This overload is preferred over the SetPackageInfo(const wxPackageInfo&) version since this panel is able to display the XML source, which in turn contains some more additional info over wxPackageInfo: XML comments and XML indentation, for example.

Both the overloads take a "filename" parameter to be able to set the project's WXP directory.

Definition at line 1029 of file proppanel.cpp.

References DoSetPackageInfo(), wxPackageXMLDescriptor::GetPackageInfo(), m_xmlDescriptor, and UpdateXML().

void wxPackagePropertiesPanel::SetPackageInfo ( const wxPackageInfo descriptor,
const wxString &  filename = wxEmptyString 

Fills all the controls of this panel with the given package info. When possible, use the other overload.

Definition at line 1039 of file proppanel.cpp.

References DoSetPackageInfo(), m_xmlDescriptor, and UpdateXML().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Feb 1 22:14:32 2007 for wxWidgets Package Manager by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1